

  • Asset pricing: equity, bonds, derivatives

  • Asset allocation

  • Consumption timing

  • Financial engineering

  • AN INVESTMENT IS the current commitment of money or other resources in the expectation of reaping future benefits

  • These investment decisions are made in a competitive environment where

    • higher returns usually can be obtained only at the price of greater risk
    • it is rare to find assets that are so mispriced as to be obvious bargains.


  • Financial assets
    • Claims on real assets
    • Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, bank deposits(银行存款), investment accounts(投资账户), and cash
  • real assets generate net income to the economy
  • financial assets simply define the allocation of income or wealth among investors
    • 金融资产只是在投资者之间进行分配
  • Financial assets are aggregated out and the total balance sheet for a country contains only real assets
  • 金融资产流动性更高
  • 金融资产更难定价


  • informational role
    • 资金流向前景最好的公司
    • 与股价相关
  • 投资时间
    • 通过securities将消费推迟到下个周期
  • 分散风险
    • select securities consistent with their tastes for risk
    • the firms that need to raise capital as security can be sold for the best possible price
  • Separation of Ownership and Management

Mechanisms to mitigate agency problems:

  • Tie managers’ income to the success of the firm (stock options)
  • Monitoring from the board of directors
  • Monitoring from the large outside investors and security analysts
  • Takeover threat

Investment Process


  • Portfolios
  • Asset classes
    • stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities,…
  • Asset Allocation
  • The security selection
    • Investment choice of which particular securities to hold within each asset class
    • Security analysis: the valuation of particular securities


  • “Top-down” approach
    • 先从资源配置出发,再具体到证券或股票
    • First step: Asset allocation
    • Second step: security selection
  • “Bottom-up” approach
    • Investment based solely on security selection
    • Disadvantage: may result in unintended heavy weight of a portfolio in only one or another sector of the economy
    • Advantage: focus the portfolio on the assets that seem to offer the most attractive investment opportunities

Competitive Market

no “free lunches”

  • $\color{red}{\text{Risk-Return Trade-Off}}$

    • If you want higher expected returns, you will have to pay a price by accepting higher risk
  • Diversification

    • When we mix assets into diversified portfolios, we need to consider the interplay among assets and the effect of diversification on the risk of the entire portfolio\
  • 有效市场假说

    • In fully efficient markets when prices quickly adjust to all relevant information, there should be neither underpriced nor overpriced securities
  • Passive Management(被动投资)

    • 接受市场大盘
    • Holding a highly diversified portfolio(分散投资)
    • No attempt to find undervalued securities
    • No attempt to time the market
  • Active Management(主动投资)

    • Finding mispriced securities(选股)
    • Timing the market(择时)


  • Demanders of capital – Firms(企业部门)
    • Net borrowers of fund: raise capital to pay for investments in plant and equipment
    • income generated by those real assets provides the returns to investors who purchase the securities issued by the firm.
  • Suppliers of capital – Households(住户部门)
    • Net suppliers of capital: purchase the securities issued by firms
  • Governments (政府)
    • Can be both borrowers or lenders

Financial Intermediaries:

  • to bring the suppliers of capital (investors) together with the demanders of capital
  • Pool and invest funds the primary social function is to channel household savings to the business sector
  • Commercial Banks
  • Investment Companies
    • Mutual funds (共同基金)
      • pool and manage the money of many investors, who are assigned a prorated(按比例分配) share of the total funds according to the size of their investment
      • economies of scale (由规模经济决定)
      • large-scale trading and portfolio management
      • for small investors
    • Trust
      • design portfolios specifically for large investors with particular goals.
    • Investment Bank
      • Advice on how to price new securities (stocks ,bonds)
      • Sell newly issued securities to public in the primary market
      • Investors trade previously issued securities among themselves in the secondary markets
    • venture capital (VC, 风险投资)
      • Investments in Start-up companies: invest in them in return for an ownership stake in the firm
      • Source: venture capital funds, wealthy individuals known as angel investors, and institutions such as pension funds
      • Venture capital investors commonly take an active role in the management of a start-up firm
    • Private equity(PE)
      • also invest in distressed firms, or merger & acquisition for restructuring firms
  • Insurance companies
  • Credit unions

Asset Classes and Financial Instruments

Money Market (货币市场)

  • Money market assets
    • short-term debt, liquid, low risk
  • Classification by market participants:
    • Interbank market (银行间市场, wholesale)
      • Participated by banks, non-bank financial institutions and large corporations
  • Money market mutual funds (货币基金)
    • allow individuals to access the money market
    • Higher interest rate than bank deposit
    • Risk-free rate for individual

Money Market securities

  • Treasury Bills: 政府发的短期债券
  • Certificates of deposit(CD)
    • Time deposit with a bank (定期存款)
    • CDs issued in denominations greater than $100,000 are usually negotiable ( can be sold to another investor)
    • Short-term CDs (maturity lower than 3month) are highly marketable
  • Eurodollars(欧洲美元)
    • Dollar-denominated time deposits in banks outside the U.S.
  • Commercial paper(商业票据)
    • unsecured debt of a company
    • Short term (1-3 months)
    • Considered to be safe because a firm’s financial condition is predictable in short term
  • Bankers’ Acceptances(银行承兑汇票)
    • An order to pay a bank on a future date by a bank’s customer
    • For international trade financing (国际贸易工具)
  • Repurchase agreement or Repo(回购)
    • 见 #固定收益证券分析
    • Issuer of repo sells government securities to an investor, with an agreement at a slightly higher price
    • The increase in the price is the interest
    • Usually overnight
    • Short-term loans in interbank market backed by government securities
  • Reverse repo (逆回购)
    • The buyer of repo, investor
  • Interbank loans(银行间同业拆借)
    • Fed funds(联邦基金): Very short-term loans between banks in US
    • The LIBOR Market(伦敦银行同业拆放利率市场)
      • LIBOR rate
        • LIBOR stands for London Interbank Offer Rate
        • a rate charged in an interbank lending market outside of the U.S. (largely centered in London)
        • typically quoted for 3-month loans
        • Except for Treasury bills, money market securities are not free of default risk
        • TED stands for Treasury–LIBOR spread
          • credit spread for banks

Bond Market


  • Treasury Notes and Bonds(中长期国债)
    • Inflation-Protected Treasury Bonds
      • TIPS
  • Federal Agency Debt(联邦机构债券or政策性债)
    • 政策性金融机构债:国家开发银行(后改为开发性金融机构)、中国农业发展银行、进出口银行
  • International Bonds
  • Municipal Bonds(市政债券)
  • Corporate Bonds(公司债券)
  • Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities(按揭与按揭支持证券)

Equity Securities

  • Common stock(普通股or股票): Ownership
    • Residual claim
    • Limited liability
  • Preferred stock(优先股): Perpetuity
    • Fixed dividends
    • Priority over common
    • Tax treatment
  • American Depository Receipts(美国存托凭证)
    • Certificates traded in U.S. markets that represent ownership in shares of a foreign company(如百度、新 浪、搜狐等在美国上市的中国公司)
  • CDR(Chinese Depository Receipt)

Stock Market Indexes

  • Dow Jones
    • Includes 30 large blue-chip corporations
    • Computed since 1896
    • Price-weighted average
  • Standard & Poor’s 500
    • Broadly based index of 500 firms
    • Market-value-weighted index
  • Others
    • NYSE Composite
    • NASDAQ Composite
    • Wilshire 5000

Chinese Index

  • 上证综指(全样本、市值加权)
  • 深证综指(全样本、市值加权)
  • 沪深300(流动性强、市值大、流通市值加权)
  • 中证500(剔除沪深300、流动性和市值排序、流通市值加权)

Derivative Market

A derivative (证券衍生品or衍生品) is a security that gets its value from the values of another asset, such as commodity prices, bond and stock prices, or market index values.

  • Options(期权)
    • Call(看涨期权): Right to buy underlying asset at the strike or exercise price(执行价)
      • Value of calls decreases as strike price increases
    • Put(看跌期权): Right to sell underlying asset at the strike or exercise price
      • Value of puts increase with strike price
    • Value of both calls and puts increases with time until expiration
    • 有价格
    • 权利而非义务
  • Futures Contracts(期货合约)
    • An agreement made today regarding the delivery of an asset (or in some cases, its cash value) at a specified delivery or maturity date for an agreed- upon price, called the futures price, to be paid at contract maturity
    • Long position(买方): Take delivery at maturity
    • Short position(卖方): Make delivery at maturity
    • 必须执行交易

Basics of Investing Mechanism

How Firms Issue Securities

  • Primary Market
    • Market for newly-issued securities
    • Firms issue new securities through underwriter (investment banker) to public
  • Secondary Market
    • Investors trade previously issued securities among themselves
  • Companies
    • Privately Held Firms
      • Up to 499 shareholders
      • Raise funds through private placement
      • Lower liquidity of shares
      • Have fewer obligations to release financial statements and other information
    • Publicly Traded Companies
      • Raise capital from a wider range of investors through initial public offering, IPO
        • Seasoned equity offering: The sale of additional shares in firms that already are publicly traded
      • Public offerings are marketed by investment bankers or underwriters
      • Registration must be filed with the Security regulators (eg SEC, CSRC)
  • issue securities
  • 审批制(examination and approval,1991-2000)
    • 采用行政和计划的办法分配股票发行的指标和额度
  • 核准制(approval, 2001-2020)
    • 取消了指标和额度管理
    • 证券中介机构:发行是否符合市场条件
    • 证券监管机构:发行是否符合监管条件
  • 注册制(registration, 2020-)
    • 市场化发行制度:发行公司股票的规模和定价由市场判断
    • 注册制注重信息披露:对申报文件的全面性、准确性、真实性和及时性作形式审查
    • 23年,全面注册制
IPO, initial public offering
  • (under registration system)
    • File prospectus to security regulator
    • Road shows to publicize new offering
    • Determine demand for the new issue (Bookbuilding)
    • Degree of investor interest in the new offering provides valuable pricing information
  • Underwriter bears price risk associated with placement of securities:
    • IPOs are commonly underpriced compared to the price they could be marketed (IPO discount)
    • Some IPOs are well overpriced others cannot even fully be sold

How securities are traded

  • Types of Markets:
    • Direct search
      • Buyers and sellers seek each other
    • Brokered markets
      • Brokers search out buyers and sellers
    • Dealer markets
      • Dealers have inventories of assets from which they buy and sell
      • 注意broker和dealer的区别
      • Bid-ask spread is the profit for a dealer
    • Auction markets
      • Traders converge at one place to trade
  • Types of Orders
    • Market orders
      • 直接交易,按照市场价
    • Price-contingent Order
      • Traders specify buying or selling price
      • 包括:Limit-Buy Order, Stop-Buy Order, Limit-Sell Order, Stop-Loss Order

Trading Mechanisms

  • Dealer markets

  • Electronic communication networks (ECNs)

    • True trading systems that can automatically execute orders
  • Specialists markets

    • Maintain a “fair and orderly market”
    • Have been largely replaced by ECNs
  • New trading strategies

    • Algorithmic Trading
      • The use of computer programs to make trading decisions
    • High-Frequency Trading
      • Special class of algorithmic with very short order execution time
    • Dark Pools
    • Trading venues that preserve anonymity, mainly relevant in block trading
  • Bond Trading

    • Most bond trading takes place in the OTC market among bond dealers
    • NYSE Bonds is the largest centralized bond market of any U.S. exchange
    • Market for many bond issues is “thin” and is subject to liquidity risk

Trading Costs

  • Brokerage Commission:
    • Fee paid to broker for making the transaction
  • Explicit cost of trading
    • Spread: Difference between the bid and asked prices
  • Implicit cost of trading
    • the price concession an investor may be forced to make for trading in quantities greater than those associated with the posted bid or ask price
    • 例如,买一50手,卖一30手,卖二20手,不能只买卖一的。

Brokerage account

  • Cash account 现金账户
    • A brokerage account in which all transactions are made on a strictly cash basis.
  • Margin account 信用账户(融资融券)
    • A brokerage account in which securities can be bought and sold on credit.


  • The portion of the value of an investment that is not borrowed in a margin purchase
    • Margin rate = Equity/Value of investment
  • The portion that is borrowed incurs an interest
    • This interest is set by brokers
    • determined by the rate brokers pay to borrow money plus a service charge charge
  • Initial Margin 初始保证金
    • the minimum margin requirement when you first purchase securities on margin
    • Currently 50% for stocks; you can borrow up to 50% of the stock value
  • Maintenance Margin 维持保证金
    • the minimum margin that you must need to maintain in a margin account after your initial purchase.
  • Margin Call
    • When the margin drops below the maintenance margin, the broker issues a margin call.
    • It requires the investor to bring the margin back up to an acceptable level (most of the time the initial margin level)
      • add new cash or securities, pay off the loan, or sell enough current securities
      • If investors do not act, the broker has the right to sell securities from the account.
  • Margin is a Financial Leverage
    • the impact is to magnify both your gains and your losses

Short sale

  • After short sales, the investor have a short position

  • an investor who buys and owns shares of stock is said to be long in the stock or to have a long position.

  • For short position, sell high buy low

  • For long position, buy low sell high

  • Risks

    • Long position in stocks:
      • Upside return (unlimited)
      • Downside losses (limited: -100%)
    • Short selling stocks:
      • Upside return (limited: +100%)
        • 股价最低到0,而且几乎不可能达到
      • Downside losses (unlimited)
        • 股价升值

Short sale mechanisms

  • Proceeds from the short sale must be kept on account with the broker
  • the short seller does not earn interest on the short proceeds and cannot use the proceeds for another transaction
  • If any dividends are paid on the stock while you have a short position, you must pay them.
    • 分红必须返还
  • A short position can be covered at any time before the securities are due to be returned.
  • At any time, the security lender may call for the return of his shares
    • The security borrower (short seller) must buy shares on the market and return them to the lender (or he must borrow the shares from elsewhere).
    • 只要lender想要,必须返还
Short Sqeeze 挤兑
  • A short squeeze
    • heavily shorted security moves sharply higher, forcing short sellers to close out their short positions and adding to the upward pressure on the stock.
    • 知道卖空的人多,故意抬高价格
    • Short sellers are being squeezed out of their short positions
Impact of short selling on financial market
  • Pros
    • Enhance the liquidity and efficiency of the market.
    • Help security price discovery: exploits market mistakes about firms’ fundamentals. Curb “pump and dump”.
    • Uncover fraudulent accounting and other problems at companies
  • Cons
    • Abusive short selling can be used for market manipulation:
      • aggressively driving down a stock price through heavy short selling, then buying the shares for a large profit
    • Lead to the undesired market volatility
Short selling for investors
  • Pros
    • Some investors are better at identifying overpriced, bad companies than underpriced, good companies.
      • 相当于long position的反向
    • Many institutions won’t do short selling, leaving unexploited short selling opportunities from which you can benefit.
    • Hedging. A portfolio including both long and short positions in stocks which tend to move together will generally have lower volatility than one which has only long positions.
      • 对冲风险
  • Cons
    • There’s unlimited downside potential and limited upside potential.
    • You’re fighting the trend of the market, which is, in the long run, up.
    • Money from a short sale is used as collateral for the owner of the borrowed shares. You aren’t earning interest on the proceeds from short sales.
    • You have to pay any dividends that are earned.
    • Another company could acquire the company you’re shorting, at a significant premium, thus driving up the share price.
    • Sometimes shares aren’t available to short.
    • The obligation to buy and return the shares whenever the lender call for the return of his shares

Risk and Return

Interest rate

  • Equilibrium real rates are determined by demand for funds supply and demand of funds
    • The supply of funds from Households
    • The demand for funds from Businesses
    • Government can provide either net supply of or demand for funds
    • 就是 #经济学原理 里面的供给需求线的交汇
  • Equilibrium nominal rate
    • investors should be concerned with real returns
    • When expected inflation rate is higher, nominal interest rates should be higher
    • This higher nominal rate is necessary to maintain the expected real return offered by an investment
  • Fisher’s hypothesis
    • Nominal rate should increase one-for-one with increases in the expected inflation rate
    • $$r_{nom}=r_{real}+E(i)$$
    • difficult to test the hypothesis because the equilibrium real rate also changes unpredictably over time

some returns

  • APR: auunal percentage return
    • simple compounding
    • T < 1 year
    • $$APR=r_f(T)\times (1/T)$$
  • EAR: effective annual return
    • T > 1 year
    • $$1+EAR=[1+r_f(T)]^{1/T}$$
  • HPR: holding period return
    • $$HPR=\frac{P_1-P_0+D_1}{P_0}$$

excess return

  • Excess return: the difference between the actual rate of return on a risky asset and the actual risk-free rate
  • Risk premium is the expected value of the excess return, 是期望
    • Risk is measured by standard deviation
  • Risk aversion
    • The degree to which investors are willing to commit funds to stocks

Time series analysis

  • Estimated Expected Return through historical data

    • $$E(r)=\sum_{s=1}^Np(s)r(s)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{s=1}^Nr(s)$$
    • 把每个数据点等价加权
    • If the time series of historical returns fairly represents the true underlying probability distribution, then the arithmetic average return from a historical period provides a forecast of the investment’s expected future HPR
  • The arithmetic average provides an unbiased estimate of the expected future return.

  • Geometric (Time-Weighted) Average

    • $$g=TV^{1/n}-1, \text{where } TV_n=(1+r_1)(1+r_2)…(1+r_n)$$
    • $TV_n$ is the Terminal value of the investment
  • 几何平均总小于算术平均

    • For normal distribution: $E(\text{Geometric average})=E(\text{Arithmetric average})-\sigma^2/2$
  • Using historical data with n observations, we could estimate variance is

    • $$\hat{\sigma}^2=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{s=1}^n[r(s)-\bar{r}]^2$$
  • historical performance measure: geometric

  • Forecast: arithmetic

Sharpe ratio

investments typically entail accepting some risk in return for the more excess return

  • If we are willing to face risk, then we can expect to earn a risk premium
  • the trade-off between reward and risk

$$\color{red}{\text{Sharpe ratio}=\frac{\text{Risk premium}}{\text{SD of excess return}}}$$

  • 通常来说,high risk high return

Risk Aversion and Capital Allocation to Risky Assets

speculation vs. gamble

  • speculation (投机)
    • Taking considerable risk for a commensurate gain
      • Reject a fair game
      • Only accept risk for risk premium
      • Speculators are Rational
  • gamble (赌博)
    • Bet on an uncertain outcome for enjoyment
      • Accept a fair game or a negative value game
      • Do not requires risk premium for taking risks
      • Gamblers are irrational, subject to behavioral bias

risk aversion and utility

  • Risk-averse Investors are speculators in capital markets
    • Investors invest in portfolios of assets
    • reject investment portfolios that are fair games or worse
  • Risk aversion measures investor’s preference for risk
    • Different investors are different in risk aversion
  • assess the risk aversion level of an investor by his utility score
  • Risk averse investors are willing to consider:
    • Risk-free assets
    • Speculative investments with positive risk premiums
  • Risk tolerance: inverse of risk aversion

Mean variance utility

  • A = coefficient of risk aversion
  • $$U=E(r)-\frac{A}{2}\sigma^2$$
  • Risk averse investor: A>0
  • Risk neutral investor: A=0
  • Risk lover investor (gambler) A<0

Certainty equivalent rate, CER

  • 确定等价收益
    • the rate that a risk-free investment an investor requires to provide the same utility as the risky investment
  • An investment can be desirable only if its certainty equivalent return exceeds that of the risk-free
    • The difference is the risk premium

Indifference curve

Indifference curve

  • An investor’s own indifference curves do not intersect
  • Indifference curves of two investors might intersect
  • Indifference curves have positive slopes
  • In a set of indifference curves, the highest offers the greatest utility

Capital Allocation

  • The choice among broad asset classes : stocks, bonds, cash
  • The most fundamental decision in investments
  • The simplest way to control risk is to manipulate the fraction of the portfolio invested in risk-free assets versus in the risky assets

Capital Allocation Line (CAL)

  • Investment opportunity set formed with a risky asset and a risk-free asset
  • 只有一个risky asset和risk-free asset之间
  • CAL
  • invertors 在这条线与Utility的切线点可以达到效用最大化
  • optimal position in risky:
    • $$\color{red}{y^*=\frac{E(r_p)-r_f}{A\sigma_p^2}}$$

Passive strategies

  • The passive strategy avoids any direct or indirect security analysis
  • Supply and demand forces may make such a strategy a reasonable choice for many investors
  • A natural candidate for a passively held risky asset would be a well-diversified portfolio of common stocks such as the S&P 500
Capital Market Line, CML
  • a capital allocation line formed investment in two passive portfolios
    • Virtually risk-free short-term T-bills (or a money market fund)
    • Fund of common stocks that mimics a broad market index
  • 是由risk-free asset与market index连线




Portfolio of two risky assets

  • 假设是debt和equity
  • Portfolio return $$E(r)=w_DE(r_D)+w_EE(r_E)$$
  • Portfolio Variance $$\sigma_p^2=w_D^2\sigma_D^2+w_E^2\sigma_E^2+2w_Dw_ECov(r_D,r_E)$$
  • $$Cov(r_D,r_E)=\rho_{DE}\sigma_D\sigma_E$$
  • 当相关系数为1时,没有任何风险被分散
  • 当相关系数为-1时,可能构造出一个风险为0的组合,完全对冲风险

Global Minimum Variance Portfolio (MVP)

  • The minimum variance portfolio is the portfolio composed of the risky assets that has the smallest standard deviation; the portfolio with least risk
    • 当相关系数>0时,不可能减小风险
    • 当相关系数=0时,总风险可能比两个分别都小
    • 当相关系数<0时,可能构造出risk-free

portfolio return and variance

portfolio standard deviation

portfolio expected return

Portfolio Expected Return vs Standard Deviation

  • 这条线是Opportunity Set of risky assets

Determination of the optimal overall portfolio


  • Optimal portfolio selection for N risky assets and one risk free asset:
    • Efficient frontier: identify the risk–return combinations available from the set of risky assets
      • 找到所有risky asset组成的组合的可能性边界,不考虑risk-free asset
    • Security selection: Determination of the optimal risky portfolio
      • 找Sharpe ratio最大的点,也就是切点
    • Capital allocation: Allocation of the complete portfolio to risk-free versus the risky portfolio depends on personal preference
      • 在这条切线上找与Utility相切点

Efficient frontier

Markowitz Portfolio Optimization Model

  • Method 1

    • $$\sigma_p^2=\sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^Nw_iw_jCov(r_i,r_j)$$
    • $$min_{w_i}\sigma_p^2 \quad\text{, so that } \quad E(r_p)=\sum_{i=1}^Nw_ir_i=R$$
  • Method 2

    • $$max_{w_i}S_p=\frac{E(r_p)-r_f}{\sigma_p} \quad \text{subject to } \quad \sum w_i=1$$
  • CAL: introduce the risk-free asset

Separation Principle

  • Everyone invests in P, regardless of their degree of risk aversion
    • More risk averse investors put more in the risk-free asset


  • Investor behavior
    • Investors are rational, mean-variance optimizers.
    • Their investment horizon is a single period
    • Investors use identical input list for efficient frontier (homogeneous expectation)
  • Market structure
    • All assets are publicly held and trade on public exchanges
    • Investors can borrow or lend at a common risk-free rate, and they can take short positions on traded securities
    • No taxes
    • No transaction costs

Market portfolio


Equilibrium Conditions

  • Each investor’s risky portfolio holding is

    • $$y=\frac{E(r_m)-r_f}{A\sigma_m^2}$$
  • We aggregate all investors together, In equilibrium, all borrowing and lending cancelled

    • Assume average investor’s risk averse $\bar{A}$
    • y = 1
    • thus, $E(R_m)=\bar{A}\sigma_m^2$
  • portfolio risk

    • $$\sigma_p^2=\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^nw_iw_jCov(r_i,r_j)$$
  • market portfolio risk:

    • $$\sigma_p^2=\sum_{i=1}^Nw_iCov(r_i,\sum_{j=1}^Nw_jr_j)$$
    • $$\sigma_m^2=\sum_{i=1}^Nw_iCov(r_i,r_m)$$
    • 每只stock对整体风险的贡献是这只股票与市场的Cov,不是自己的Variance
  • $$\frac{E(r_m)-r_f}{\sigma_m^2}=\frac{E(r_i)-r_f}{Cov(r_i,r_m)}$$

  • $$\text{Since }\beta_i=\frac{Cov(r_i,r_m)}{\sigma_m^2}\text{ , thus }\quad \color{red}{E(r_i)-r_f=\beta_i(E(r_m)-r_f)}$$

  • this is CAPM.

Security Market Line, SML

SML with a positive alpha

CAPM Application and Limitation

  • CAPM holds for the overall portfolio
  • Application: Provide a benchmark model for risk premium
    • Application in corporate finance
    • Cost of capital
    • IPO pricing
  • Limitation: CAPM only accounts for market risk
    • Systematic risk other than market risk such as Non-tradable risk, Liquidity risk, inflation, interest rate …

Index Model

  • Problems with Markovitz model

    • The covariance matrix is too large to be estimated accurately
      • For example, the covariance of n=50 stocks consists of $(n^2 –n)/2=1325$ estimations
      • Inconsistent estimation of correlation matrix
  • Factor Model

    • The actual rate of return on any security
      • $r_i=E(r_i)+\text{unanticipated surprise}$

Single factor model

  • Single factor model: decompose risk (the unanticipated surprise) into
    • A systematic risk factor (denoted as m)
    • Firm specific risk(denoted as $e_i$)
    • Covariance between stocks are due to their covariance with systematic risk factor m
  • $$\color{red}{r_i=E(r_i)+\beta_im+e_i}$$
    • $$E(m)=0,E(e_i)=0$$
    • m 和 $e_i$ 是独立的
    • $E(r_i)$ 无方差
    • $\beta_i$, the sensitivity for firm i
    • the total variance of $r_i$ is
      • $$\sigma_i^2=\beta_i^2\sigma_m^2+\sigma^2(e_i)$$
    • Cov between two firm’s return is
      • $$Cov(r_i,r_j)=Cov(\beta_im+e_i,\beta_jm+e_j)=\beta_i\beta_j\sigma_m^2$$
    • 当n很大时,firm-specific risk被消去了,只剩系统风险

single index model

  • When single factor is a market index (or generally well-diversified portfolio)

  • Security characteristic line

    • $$R_i(t)=\alpha_i+\beta_iR_m(t)+e_i$$
    • Security Characteristic Line
  • Expected Return–Beta Relationship

    • $$E(R_i)=\alpha_i+\beta_iE(R_m)$$
    • $$\color{red}{R-square=\frac{\beta_i^2\sigma_m^2}{\beta_i^2\sigma_m^2+\sigma^2(e_i)}}$$
  • Single index model: a framework that separates macroeconomic and security analysis

    • Macroeconomic analysis : estimate the risk premium and risk of the market index.
    • Statistical analysis : estimate the beta coefficients of all securities and their residual variances, $\sigma^2(e_i)$.
    • Asset pricing model: The portfolio manager uses the estimates for the market-index risk premium and the beta coefficient of a security to establish the expected return of that security
    • Security analysis: expected return forecasts (alphas) are derived from various security-valuation models


  • Alpha(α) is a nonmarket premium (abnormal return)
    • Depends on factor model
    • α may be large if you think a security is underpriced and therefore offers an attractive expected return
    • CAPM (or other competitive equilibrium model) predicts α will be zero
    • Security analysis: each security analyst comes up with his or her own estimates of alpha
    • A portfolio manager who has no special information about a security nor insight unavailable to the general public will take the security’s alpha value as zero
  • alpha is the key variable that tells us whether a security is a good or a bad buy
    • A positive-alpha security is a bargain and therefore should be over-weighted

The Industry Version of the Index Model

  • Adjusted beta
    • $\text{Adjusted beta}=\frac{2}{3}\text{estimated beta}+\frac{1}{3}$
    • Why adjusted beta
      • empirically, beta coefficients seem to move toward 1 over time
      • statistically, the average beta over all securities is 1. Before estimating the beta of a security, our best forecast would be that it is 1.
  • Predicting beta
    • One simple approach would be to collect data on beta in different periods and then estimate a regression equation
      • $\text{current beta}=a+b\times (\text{past beta})$
    • Different predicting variables
      • $\text{current beta}=a+b_1\times (\text{past beta})+b_2\times (\text{firm size})+b_3\times (\text{debt ratio})$

Portfolio construction and the single index model

  • A simple way to achieve diversification: include the S&P 500 index portfolio as one of the assets of the portfolio
  • Passive portfolio: If no security, portfolio manager(PM) would hold the S&P 500 as a passive portfolio
    • It gives broad market exposure without the need for expensive security analysis
  • Active portfolio: With security analysis, the PM may be able to devise an active portfolio that can be mixed with the index to provide a better risk–return trade-off
  • Under single index model, the optimal portfolio can be derived explicitly, consisting of
    • an active portfolio(A) comprised of the n analyzed securities
    • the market index portfolio, the (n + 1)th asset (passive portfolio ,M)
  1. 计算各个股票的权重为 $w_i^0=\alpha_i/\sigma^2(e_i)$
  2. 归一化 $w_i=w_i^0/(\sum w_i^0)$
  3. 计算active portfolio的α $\alpha_A=\sum w_i\alpha_i$
  4. 计算active portfolio的残差 $\sigma^2(e_A)=\sum w_i^2\sigma^2(e_i)$
  5. 计算active portfolio的初始权重 $w_A^0=(\alpha_A/\sigma^2(e^A))/(E(R_M)/\sigma^2M)$
  6. 计算active portfolio的beta $\beta_A=\sum w_i\beta_i$
  7. 调整初始权重 $w_A^*=w_A^0/(1+(1-\beta_A)w_A^0)$
  8. 组合的权重为 $w_M^*=1-w_A^\quad w_i^=w_A^*w_i$
  • 相关数据:

    • $$E(R_p)=(w_M^*+w_A^\beta_A)E(R_M)+w_A^\alpha_A$$
    • $$\sigma^2_P=(w_M^*+w_A^\beta_A)^2\sigma_M^2+(w_A^\sigma(e_A))^2$$
    • $$\color{red}{S_p^2=S_M^2+(\frac{\alpha_A}{\sigma(e_A)})^2}$$
    • 其中 $(\frac{\alpha_A}{\sigma(e_A)})^2$ 是 information rato
      • measures the extra return we can obtain from security analysis compared to the firm-specific risk
      • the information ratio if optimized, is always increasing with increasing number of active security
      • if a security’s alpha is negative, the security will assume a short position in the optimal risky portfolio
  • The index portfolio is an efficient portfolio only if all alpha values are zero from security analysis

Efficient frontier

CAPM, Multifactor model and APT

Single factor model

  • $$R_i=E(R_i)+\beta_iF+e_i$$
    • $R_i$ is excess return on security
    • $F$ is Surprise in macro-economic factor
      • F could be positive or negative but has expected value of zero
    • $\beta_i$ Factor sensitivity or factor loading or factor beta
    • $e_i$ Firm specific events (zero expected value)

index model and CAPM

  • CAPM indicates $\alpha_i$ is 0
  • $E(R_i)=\beta_iE(R_m)$
  • assets should be on the security market line (SML)


  • The assumptions of the CAPM
    • Single period investment (vs intertemporal risk premium fluctuation)
    • investors face the same opportunity set
    • No frictions
    • All assets are traded: no untradable asset risk
    • All investors are rational mean-variance optimizers with homogeneous expectations
  • Systematic Risk beyond CAPM
    • Inflation risk
      • Uncertainty due to inflation rate
    • Interest rate risk (Real)
    • Volatility risk
    • Liquidity risk
      • Price risk due to transaction costs/trading friction
    • Untradable asset risk
      • labor income risk(unemployment risk)
      • entrepreneurial risk
      • housing price risk
    • For long horizon investors, concerns about future risk premium changes over economic cycle
      • Macro economic factors

Multifactor model

  • Possible common macro-economic factors

    • Business cycle (GDP Growth)
    • Interest Rates
    • Inflation Rates
    • Liquidity
  • Possible factors due to extra risk premium

    • size
    • Value
    • Many firm characteristics seem to predict future returns (active current research area)
  • Example

    • $$R_i=E(R_i)+\beta_{iGDP}GDP+\beta_{iIR}IR+e_i$$
    • $$E(R_i)=\beta_{iGDP}RP_{GDP}+\beta_{iIR}RP_{IR}$$
      • RP stands for risk premium
  • multifactor model

    • Multiple risk exposures, each risk factor has its own risk premium
    • Estimate a beta or factor loading for each factor using multiple regression
      • $$R_it=\sum_{j=1}^k\beta_{ij}F_j+\epsilon_{it}$$
  • APT

    • Multifactor version of security market line
    • $$E(R_i)=\sum_{j=1}^k\beta_{ij}E(R_j^F)$$

well-diversified portfolio

  • if a portfolio is well diversified, its firm-specific or nonfactor risk becomes negligible
  • well-diversifiedNon-diversified

APT(Arbitrage Pricing Theory)

  • The Law of One Price :

    • if two assets are equivalent in all respects, they should have the same market price
  • Risk free arbitrage (a very strong assumption):

    • any investor will want to take an infinite position in it
  • no-arbitrage condition:

    • rules out the existence of arbitrage opportunities
  • In deriving APT, we assume risk-free arbitrage

  • Arbitrage pricing theory for any well-diversified portfolio:

  • $$\color{red}{E(r_i)=r_f+\beta_{i1}[E(r_1)-r_f]+\beta_{i2}[E(r_2)-r_f]}$$

  • Can be extended to multifactor model

  • if this equation is to be satisfied by all well-diversified portfolios, it must be satisfied by almost all individual securities

The Security Market Line of the APT

  • Security market line for well-diversified portfolios
    • $$E(R_P)=\beta_PE(R_F)$$


Using any systematic risk factor Model is based on an inherently unobservable “market” portfolio
Does not assume investors as mean-variance investors rest on mean-variance efficiency. The actions of many small investors restore CAPM equilibrium
Apply to well-diversified portfolio Apply to all assets

Fama-French Three-Factor Model

  • Size anomaly
    • the market value of outstanding equity
    • firms with small size outperforms large ones after accounting for CAPM market risk
  • Value anomaly
    • book value per share divided by stock price
    • Firms with high book to market ratios outperforms lower ones
  • Factors constructed based on the size and value anomaly
    • SMB = Small Minus Big (firm size)
    • HML = High Minus Low (book-to-market ratio)
  • $$R_{it}=\alpha_i+\beta_{iSMB}SMB_t+\beta_{iHML}HML_t+\beta_{iM}R_{Mt}+e_{it}$$
  • While SMB and HML are not themselves obvious candidates for relevant risk factors
    • may proxy for hard-to-measure more fundamental variables
    • firms with high book-to-market ratios are more likely to be in financial distress
    • small stocks may be more sensitive to changes in business conditions

Efficient Market Hypothesis

  • 1953年 Maurice Kendall 发现股价的波动时随机游走的。该怎么解释?


  • Efficient Market
    • Market prices reflect all relevant information at a given time
  • New information is unpredictable
    • if it could be predicted, then the prediction would be part of today’s information.
  • Stock prices that change in response to new (unpredictable) information also must move unpredictably.
    • Stock price should follow a random walk if market is efficient
    • Efficient market ≠ perfect foresight market(无未知信息)
  • EMH implies that there are no undervalued or overvalued financial assets
    • A forecast about favorable future performance leads to favorable current performance, as market participants rush to trade on new information.
    • Result: Prices change until expected returns are exactly commensurate with risk.
    • the price is “right”


  • 为什么市场是有效的
    • driving force:competition and profit-motive
    • 当基数很大时很小的 $\alpha$ 也能产生很高的收益
    • 导致大基金公司倾向于寻找relevant information
  • 为什么百分百有效不可能
    • 只有当寻找信息的投入likely to 产生超额收益时才会愿意去投入时间和精力
    • 在市场均衡时,有效的信息收集活动应当被奖励
    • the degree of efficiency differs across various markets, depending on the information environment

Information Set for Market efficiency

  • Strong-form efficiency: all information of any kind, public or private, are available
  • Semistrong form efficiency: all publicly available information
  • Weak form efficiency: past price and volume

EMH Implications 2

Technical analysis
  • search for recurrent and predictable patterns in stock price
  • Weak form efficiency implies technical analysis is useless
  • Rationale
    • a sluggish response of stock prices to fundamental supply and demand factors
    • if the stock price responds slowly enough, the analyst will be able to identify a trend that can be exploited
Fundamental analysis
  • using economic and accounting information to predict stock prices
    • Study past earnings and balance sheets information
    • detailed economic analysis (including the quality of the firm’s management, the firm’s standing within its industry, the prospects for the industry, etc)
  • Semi-strong form EMH implies Fundamental Analysis is useless
Information analysis
  • whether the information you obtained is already priced in the market?
  • Whether the information source is trust worthy?
  • How the information is processed?
  • try to find firms better than everyone’s estimates
  • try to find poorly runned firms that are not that bad
Active and passive portfolios
  • Active Management
    • An expensive strategy
    • Suitable only for very large portfolios
  • Passive Management: No attempt to outsmart the market
    • Accept EMH
    • Index Funds and ETFs
    • Very low costs
  • 据统计,基金经理平均水平没有跑过大盘
Event study
  • If security prices reflect all currently available information, then price changes must reflect new information
  • 因此,measure the importance of an event by examining price changes during the period in which the event occurs
  • Event study(短期事件分析)
    • Method
      • a technique to assess the impact of a particular event on a firm’s stock price
      • If market is efficient, the event should not impact price before or after the announcement of the event
      • Choose a time window (usually 10 days) around the event date to account for the information leakage and possible sluggish reactions
    • Key issue: Isolating the part of a stock price movement that is attributable to a specific event
      • Use of a “market model” to approximate for all other information impact on the stock return
      • 也就是单因子模型寻找 $e_t$
    • cumulative abnormal return (CAR), the sum of all abnormal returns over the time period
    • application
      • the Regulators use event studies to measure illicit gains captured by traders who may have violated insider trading or other securities laws
      • Event studies are also used in fraud cases, where the courts must assess damages caused by a fraudulent activity.

Test EMH

statistical issues

  • Magnitude Issue
    • Only managers of large portfolios can earn enough trading profits to make the exploitation of minor mispricing worth the effort.
  • Selection Bias Issue
    • Only unsuccessful investment schemes are made public
    • good schemes remain private.
  • Lucky Event Issue


  • Anomaly is defined to be a deviation from a the CAPM (or other benchmark model)
  • Return patterns that are unexplained by the CAPM are considered to be anomalous.
  • Usually a significantly positive intercept (正的 $\alpha$)

Weak-form test (弱式检验)

  • Returns over the Short Horizon
    • Momentum
      • Good or bad recent performance continues over short to intermediate time horizons
  • Returns over Long Horizons
    • negative long-term serial correlation in the stock return performance
  • Behavioral explanation
    • Episodes of overshooting followed by correction
    • Overreaction leads to positive serial correlation (momentum) over short time horizons
    • Subsequent correction of the overreaction leads to negative serial correlation over longer horizons
    • stock price fluctuates around its fair value

Semistrong form test

  • Size effect: small-firm effect
    • higher average returns on small stocks than large stocks. Beta cannot explain the difference.
  • Value effect: book-to-market ratios
    • higher average returns on value stocks than growth stocks. Beta cannot explain the difference.
    • Value firms: Firms with high B/M, E/P, D/P, B/P, or CF/P. The notion of value is that physical assets can be purchased at low market prices.
    • Growth firms: Firms with low above ratios. The notion is that high price relative to fundamentals reflects uncapitalized growth opportunities, or real options
  • Post-Earnings Announcement Price Drift
    • earnings surprise
      • Difference between actual earning and market expectations of earning
      • Market expectations of earnings: measured by averaging the published earnings forecasts of analysts or by applying trend analysis to past earnings(一致预期)
    • EMH suggets response to announcement should be quick
      • For earnings announcement, positive (negative) surprise should lead to immediate positive (negative) stock returns
      • Many studies find market price responses to earnings announcements are slow

Strong form test

  • Inside Information
  • 不会预期市场强有效,因为
    • trading on inside information is illegal
    • Security regulators (SEC or CSRC) require all insiders to register their trading activity

Explanations of anomalies

  • rational explanations
    • Fama French: explained by risk premiums
    • Measuring abnormal performance: rely on a specific asset pricing model
    • joint hypothesis problem: is it alpha or beta
    • distinguish luck from skill
  • Behavioral explanations
    • evidence of inefficient markets
    • irrational investors

Mutual fund performance

  • The conventional performance benchmark today is a four-factor model, which employs:
    • the three Fama-French factors
      • the return on the market index, and returns to portfolios based on size and book-to-market ratio
      • SMB,HML,$R_m-R_f$
  • plus a momentum factor (a portfolio constructed based on prior-year stock return)




  • The bond price curve is convex
  • The longer the maturity, the more sensitive the bond’s price to changes in market interest rates
  • Current Yield
    • Bond’s annual coupon payment divided by the bond price
  • For premium bonds (bond price above par value)
    • Coupon rate > Current yield > YTM
  • Altman’s z-score model for bankruptcy prediction
    • $$Z=3.1\frac{EBIT}{\text{Total Assets}}+1.0\frac{Sales}{Assets}+.42\frac{\text{Shareholders Equity}}{Total Liability}+ .85\frac{\text{Retained Earnings}}{\text{Total Assets}}+.72\frac{\text{Working Capital}}{\text{Total Assets}}$$
    • Z < 1.23 , 有风险
    • 1.23 < Z < 2.9 , 灰色区域
    • Z > 2.9 , 安全
  • Default yield spread
    • The difference between the promised YTM and the expected YTM
yield curve
  • Investors require a liquidity premium (or risk premium) to hold a longer-term bond
    • $f_n$ generally exceeds $E(r_n)$
    • The excess of $f_n$ over $E(r_n)$ is the liquidity premium (or term risk premium, or simply risk premium)
    • The yield curve has an upward bias built into the long-term rates because of the risk premium
  • An upward sloping curve could indicate:
    • Rates are expected to rise (Expectation hypothesis)
    • and/or
    • Investors require large term risk premiums to hold long term bonds (liquidity preference/Risk premium theory)
  • Inverted yield curve indicate that interest rates are expected to fall and signal a recession

Equity Valuation Models

感觉和 #公司金融 讲的又很像,简单写一下对照着看看吧。

Methods of Valuation

  • Market value of equity: stock price too volatile
  • Book values of equity: common shareholders equity
    • based on historical cost
    • It is possible, but uncommon, for market value to be less than book value.
    • “Floor” or minimum value of the liquidation value per share
    • Useful in bankruptcy
  • Replacement value:
    • Liquidation value, value through liquidation of firm’s assets
    • Usually a measure for merger and acquisition
    • Tobin’s q is the ratio of market price to replacement cost
  • Intrinsic value: the present value of all cash payments to the investor in the stock, discounted at the appropriate risk-adjusted interest rate
    • Dividend Discount Models (DDM)
      • The growth rate in dividends (g) can be estimated in a number of ways
        • Using the company’s historical average growth rate
        • Using an industry median or average growth rate
        • Using the sustainable growth rate.
          • if a firm can generate return on investment (ROE) greater than its cost of capital, it will retain part or all earnings to sustain its growth
          • $$g=ROE\times b$$
    • Free Cash Flow Models (useful for firms without stable dividend payments)

Price-Earning ratios and growth

  • The value of the firm can be decomposed into two parts:
    • the value of the assets already in place, the no-growth value of the firm
    • Plus the NPV of its future investments, present value of growth opportunities
    • $$P_0=\frac{E_1}{k}+PVGO$$
    • $E_1$, earnings per share; k, required rate of return; PVGO, 未来预期增长机会现值
  • The ratio of $PVGO/(E_1/k)$ is the ratio of firm value due to growth opportunities to value due to assets already in place
  • Price-Earning ratio:
    • $$\color{red}{\frac{P_0}{E_1}=\frac{1}{k}(1+\frac{PVGO}{E/k})}$$
    • P/E rises dramatically with PVGO
    • High P/E indicates that the firm has ample growth opportunities.
    • 根据DDM, $P_0=\frac{D_1}{r-g}$, 则
      • $$\frac{P_0}{E_1}=\frac{D_1/EPS}{k-g}=\frac{1-b}{k-ROE\times b}$$
    • 当ROE、b增大时P-E增大
    • 当风险变大时,k增加,P-E减小



《投资学笔记》 Frank Yu 采用 知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。