

Task 2 reading45+listening90+pre30+answer60

  1. State the change and reasons:

    According to the announcement / proposal letter..

  2. Optional reasons: 阅读材料里面change的原因可以省略

    First, this is because…
    Another reason is that…

  3. State the opinion:

    The student (does not) think this a great idea for two reasons.

  4. State the reasons:

    “First, he/she mentions that..”
    “Besides, he/she also mentions that.”

  1. Spend AT MOST(15 seconds talking about the reading! Score is heavy on listening.
  2. Use transitional phrases: thus, as a result, in addition, furthermore, consequently…etc.

task3 reading45+lecture90+prep30+answer60

  • You will then listen to a short lecture, (1.5 minute) on the term / idea with one or two examples.
  • If there is ONE example, it will be followed by TWO parts - cause and effect, or before and after.
  • A lot of times the lecturer employs a life example.
  1. Reading topic

    the reading talks about term/idea.

  2. Provide some details

    And it states that…

  3. Optional transition

    The lecturer elaborates the topic by providing an example/ two examples.

  4. Part one/ example one

    “First, he/she mentions that..”

  5. Part two / example two

    “Next, he/she says that..”

  1. Spend AT MOST 12 seconds talking about the reading! Score is heavy on listening.
  2. Use transitional phrases: thus, as a result, in addition, furthermore, consequently… etc.


  1. State the topic (less important)

    In the lecture, the professor talks about XXX (lecture topic), which is (details and definition).

  2. Example+explanation

    First, the professor discusses …

  3. Example+explanation

    Next, he further discusses



make ends meet.
work-life balance.
convenient. find job easier. relax. forget about troubles. save a lot of time. improve communication skills. get to know different people. exciting. learn from others. create memories.
take notes better
potentially endanger our relationship
boost my efficiency and significantly improve my effectiveness.
prefer human touch,speaking with encouraging tone.

生理学 Physiology


Key Points

Fun!什么都可以是fun。exciting! makes me happy and laugh.

relax!!!! empty my mind, and free of worries, forget about troubles. switch my mind. forget about stress. take a break. exhausted after a long day of work.

time: save a lot of time. take less time. to do things I really want/ that really matter. live in suburb, take too much time on transporting. avoid meaningless time.

learn new skills, improve myself

impress others and earn respect.

朋友,人多:make friends, get to know different people, hold parties, improve my communication skill. build social network.

technology: bond better,interact more frequently,instagram;meet with all over the world. but more glued to cellphones。缺少真正的交流。much busier,没时间进行social。

和别人一起:Learn from others, take note better. get help and get the correct answer.

独自一人: by myself. quiet, better focus, no distraction, finish work quickly. be comfortable, dress, eat, do what I want.

culture: learn foreign culture, experience different festival like Halloween in American culture, meet new friends.

实习:learn from the one’s with experience in the industry, build a network of contacts in the field that I very likely will participate in the future.

business: do business with foreign, future career

impress others, earn respect.

未来:Find jobs easier and have great benefit to future career.

方便:Convenient, save a lot of time, to do things I like, makes my life a lot easier.

线上:can be replayed, can repeat as many time as I want, save time on transportation, more free, can make noise, spend time to do things that really matter. whenever, whereever. learn all the key point.

外国:learn foreign culture, respect foreigners , work with foreigners, travel to different countries.

旅游:pay for trips, travel diffrent countries, see lots of things, relax, meet people, learn local culture, enjoy their lives.

手机:look up quickly and do research conveniently. can record lecture. keep in touch with all my friends, reply their message quickly, can order takeout and Uber.

朋友影响:spend more time with firends, 8hr per day, has chance change thought, no generation gaps, can understand better, willing to take suggestions.

网络:access information quickly and easily, find info from the whole world’s database and from published info of all time.

省钱:cheaper, save a fortune, cheaper than in stores. no need for rent, lower prices. 可以用来做事情,买车买房,comfortable life。make ends meet for my parents。

作业:identify their weak points, serve as a link between school and parents.

做菜:buy fresh food prepare own meals. much cheaper, cost only half, save a fortune. like cooking, experiment different recipes. get joy.

face-to-face: better at reading their facial expressions and listening to their tones, improve my communication skill.

游戏:寓教于乐 by teaching through fun, it will cause the students more concentrate and more interest in it.

广告:kids are impulsive, and may be addicted to …, convey somthing bad for both mental and physical health

阅读:save time, can skip and choose what to read, can easily pick the order, grasp the main idea quickly. ebook because it protect my eye, already nearsighted.

fiction: 想象力更好,例如harry potter。能更好地放松。

团队合作:split the task and each do the part where they specialized in.

回忆:for occasions. remember what happened, share them with other people, show to foreign friends, better understand my past. bring out many happy memories. look again in the future. For my friends, share with them and make recommendation for them.

leave deep impression.

no language barrier, convenient.


关于memory,deep impression:as a child used to be rude, and hurt my friends, now never be impolite to my friends.

关于运动,play soccer or basketball, team work, help build a sense of unity with my team which benefit my future life, and help build a good physical health and physique. Sense of competition is exciting, everyone competing to win.

关于learn skill: learn cooking on TV, experience to try on different recipe, and ingredients. cook and mix different foods, or enjoy a ride and feel the exhilaration. better look after themselves.

关于不同职业: acountants deal with numbers, computer programmer typing codes.

Fiction: Harry Potter, magical world and monsters like dragon.

do things I like: for example listening to music or playing basketball with my friends.

jobs: working at a investment bank could polish my skill of make fancy Powerpoints, and working at a quant company will train my capability to use machine learning.

关于选择专业:my hobby lies in archaeology.

关于各自做擅长的东西:I am major in computer engineering, so I will do the coding part of the task better and quicker than anyone else in the group, meanwhile I might perform poorly in other aspects like accounting, which may require other people to do.

关于和朋友一起出去做什么:hangout,sing kareoke. meet new friends because my friends will bring their friends, in this way I can expand my social network everytime. Play basketball, only possible and fun with many people together.


失败是最好的学习: agree. leave deep impression, remember. As a child, rude to others and they upset, remember it to this day.

小孩做家务应该受奖励: should. can afford for things they like, make them happy. encouraged to do more chores. oppor to learn how to do things, better look after themselves.

hotels or tents: hotels. 有洗浴措施,更卫生,服务条件更好。sanitary.

self-sufficient or depend on others: depends. 朋友not always available。同时自己limited in our expertise。


《托福口语准备》 Frank Yu 采用 知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。
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看到了影视飓风采访衣戈猜想的视频,写作文这一段有点惊艳到我。文采斐然,应试作文里面的差距确实大。视频链接:https://tinyurl.com/2lhou74r 下面摘录一下: 高考作文版 十八岁的路岔,身后托依着十四亿擘画,广众建广厦;
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下午已经发了第一篇文章,但不知为何重启电脑之后整个Hexo文件夹又消失不见了,又重新配了一遍,如果还是有问题我直接放弃Hexo,换一个站来。 庆祝一下这个地方建立啦!